Strengthening Communities: Examining and Increasing Quality of Child Care and Education For Refugee and Immigrant Families

EMpowering Communities Globally: For the Care of Children
PO Box 2154
Boulder, CO 80306

Project Name
Strengthening Communities: Examining and Increasing Quality of Child Care and Education For Refugee and Immigrant Families
Grant Period
Geographic Area Served
Funding Opportunity
Family, Friend and Neighbor Caregiver Supports
Project Description

Deliver culturally relevant training and resources to 12 local women to work with families and FFN providers in partnership with FFN providers and families in refugee communities of Adams and Denver County. The training topics are ECE brain development, mindfulness practices for providers and children building resilience, culturally relevant and developmentally supportive childcare practices and how to facilitate ongoing discussions with FFN providers and families to overcome existing barriers.

Congressional District

Grant details are accurate as of the original grant award. For more information about a specific grant, please contact [email protected].

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