Healthy Behaviors

Healthy Food Initiative: SLV Food Hub

Provide start-up support for creating a food distribution hub to increase the supply of accessible, affordable and available fruits and vegetables and other locally-grown healthy foods in the San Luis Valley region.

Enhancing Parenting Skills for Healthy Living

Provide education and support to expecting parents and parents of children 0 to 5 years old through ongoing home visitation and classes about healthy eating, nutrition, and active life styles ultimately preventing childhood obesity and impacting overall health.

General Operating Support

GreenLeaf cultivates powerful youth and food justice through urban agriculture. At GreenLeaf, youth agri/cultural interns are challenged and supported to be the change agents their communities need. At GreenLeaf, youth run the show -- and the farm! They do everything from planning and planting crops, to making hiring decisions, to canvassing the neighborhood and developing relationships with residents, to running our farm stand and small CSA.

Por Tu Familia (For Your Family)

This project will increase awareness about the risks of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and promote healthier lifestyles for underserved/uninsured in monolingual, Spanish-speaking Latinos as well as provide Medicaid enrollment assistance.

General Operating Support

General operating support for the Center for African-American Health, the leading resource for disease prevention, chronic disease management and healthy living programs for African Americans in metro Denver.

Family Leadership Training Institute (FLTI) Of Colorado

Seeking support to implement and evaluate the Family Leadership Training Institute (FLTI) to mobilize families with tools to influence systems and programs within community agencies, as well as policy-makers. FLTI cultivates family leaders and advocates who act on behalf of children, resulting in healthier communities and more engaged and informed health agencies.

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