Strengthen Community Health

One Community, One Legacy

Support a community legacy campaign comprised of three funds that help sustain the Latino Community Foundation of Colorado, develops its talent, elevates Latino nonprofits, helps communities prosper, and shapes a strong Latino future.

Westside PARC Acquisition

Support the purchase of the Westside Mobile Home Park in Durango, Colorado on behalf of the residents, with the vision of redeveloping to a Community Land Trust ownership model. Residents are at grave risk of displacement due to a corporate purchase offer, and ECLT will exercise the residents' opportunity to purchase with the intent of stabilizing the park, investing in immediate health and safety upgrades, and working alongside residents to plan a reimagined community.

Mutual Aid Food Distribution & Resource Day

The Mutual Aid Food Distribution and Resource Day is a community food program which�emphasizes creative collaborative�efforts that�work�to reduce food insecurity�in Mesa County. Work on transforming the local community food systems by centering�accessibility, lived experience and meaningful outreach with a culturally-responsive approach, through key partnerships with the Mesa County Hunger Alliance members including Community Food Bank and Child & Migrant Services.

Permanent Supportive Housing Expansion

Work to ensure all youth experiencing homelessness can find a way home from the moment of first contact. Programs provide for youth housing that is safe, stable and affordable, on-going positive relationships with supportive, safe adults, meaningful engagement, education and employment and emotional, physical, social and psychological well-being.

Affordable Housing Modular Factory

Create a Modular Factory in Boulder as proposed through a partnership of the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD), the City of Boulder (CoB) and Flatirons Habitat for Humanity (FHFH). The Modular Factory will produce much needed affordable housing for residents and workers while providing workforce training for BVSD students. The proposed project intends to focus on low- to middle-income households including those at-risk of displacement, with an initial focus on Ponderosa.

Women and Girls of Color Fund

Increase power and resources for communities of color through community-led decision-making models to make funding decisions within each community.

Denver Social Impact Bond (SIB) II

Participate in the Housing to Health (H2H) Social Impact Bond (SIB) that would involve the placement of 125 people experiencing homelessness that are high utilizer's of Denver's justice system and high cost avoidable healthcare.
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